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Here we share in depth answers to your coaching questions. 

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Do you need to quit your day job as a life coach?

Life's journey can often be a complex and daunting path to navigate, but there's a profession that exists to help people like you find clarity, direction, and fulfillment: life coaching.

How to overcome imposter syndrome?

Overcoming imposter syndrome, that pervasive feeling of inadequacy despite evident competence, is a vital step on the path to realizing your full potential and achieving the success you deserve.

How to address burnout & return to your best self

Overcoming burnout, a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that can drain your passion and productivity, is essential for reclaiming your well-being and reigniting your zest for life.

How to avoid this mistake & kickstart your coaching business

In this exploration, we will uncover the compelling reason why you should avoid this single critical mistake that could be the catalyst that kickstarts your business

How to find your niche as a life coach?

Discovering your niche as a life coach is the transformative key that unlocks your unique path to making a meaningful impact on others and achieving professional fulfillment.


The ultimate business model blueprint

In the dynamic landscape of coaching, where personal development, guidance, and transformation are the pillars of success. It's the pursuit of a framework that empowers coaches to thrive in their practice.

Blog posts

5 Pillars To Building A Strong Coaching Brand

Building a strong coaching brand takes time. And most importantly, quality time.
It’s no good spending 20 hours in the office working at 50% when you could have gone home, recharged, given yourself permission to relax, and return to the office at 100%. So when you’re pursuing...

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3 Key Benefits of Branding for Coaches

The benefits of branding for coaches are countless.

You don’t want people seeing a corporate image for a personal experience. So how do you brand yourself as a coach?

People work with people. 

That’s something I always say. 

And that’s the thing about...

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The Key Elements of Personal Branding for Coaches

Working as a coach, you’re more than likely going to have an online presence. This means – for personal branding – your online identity will need to accurately represent your identity offline. So to keep it authentic and get it right, there are few key elements to keep in mind:

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What You Need to Consider When Pricing As a Coach

There are so many elements you need to consider when it comes to pricing as a coach. A lot of things need to be brought to the table. What I come across most in my work is that people only bring a few of those things to the table, instead of all of them. 

The key thing to remember...

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Want to know how most coaching experts are building their businesses online?

They focus first on being discovered. The two leading platforms for this right now are YouTube & Instagram. People get discovered on Instagram, via others sharing your posts, and on google & youtube via people searching topics you’ve posted videos on. 

So with this in mind,...

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Life Coaching Is Freedom

Life Coaching Is Freedom

You don’t need my Life Coaching Certification to be a life coach. Life Coaching is an unregulated industry.  What does that mean?


That means that when you coach you can do it however you want to.  No one is looking over your shoulder.  It...

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